October 2, 2008

WTF Happened To - #1

I was distinguishing Die Hard from Die Hard 2 by explaining to a friend that the second Die Hard is the one with the limo. "It doesn't take place in a limo" they said. "No, there's just one it" I responded. Then I thought to myself; takes place in a limo, what a great idea for a movie! Almost as thrilling as Phone Booth taking place in a phone booth. Which lead me to the question:
WTF happened to Colin Farrell?

I haven't seen him in a long time considering movie star years, which are similar to dog years. Did he die from alcohol poisoning? Syphilis perhaps? Oh, right -- Miami Vice. What a turd that was. Beautiful cinemetogpahy wasted on bad actors breathily reciting horribley-written dialogue. It turns out that he is still alive and is apparently starring in movies that I haven't heard of.

UPDATE: Thanks to Wikipedia, I have now been informed that painkillers are his poison and not alcohol as previously stated. In other old news, it appears Colin has a penchant for being polite to prostitutes and having bastard children. He also bought a homeless man in Toronto an apartment, took him on a $3000 shopping-spree and convinced him to stop drinking. Mazal tov!