I had three distinct dreams last night. The first of which was about two women sitting at a table having a conversation that seemed very provocative at the time. So good, that I was aware of it in my dream and tried waking myself up so I could write it down before I forgot it. Damned sleep apnea. Here's what I could remember of it when I finally woke up:
"What's the ketchup for?""My omelette.""You don't like ketchup.""I like having the option."She would later learn to regret saying this.This was only the tip of the iceberg. It eventually took a turn for the serious. It wasn't as if I was one of the characters or observing this happen, it was as if I was controlling it and writing it as I went. A dream that I forgot. Worth it's own post? Perhaps not.
Consider yourself lucky that I didn't go into the next two dreams.