August 18, 2008

That's My Mama

My mom called me tonight - we hadn't talked in a couple of days. She went to a Rod Stewart concert Saturday night. This was her third time seeing him in a year and a half. She's been going to his concerts since the 80's and has no idea how many she's been to over the years.

We talked about Rod and Elvis, her guys, and John Cusack, my guy. We concluded; tall dark and handsome, though that doesn't explain Rod. I recounted my dream from the previous night which included a dinner with a revolving cast of distant acquaintances and members of Sloan. It took a dark twist resulting in the untimely death of a pet mouse. Deep introspection was needed for that one.

She just called back to let me know that they were talking about the Pixies on 107.9. It quickly turned into a breathy crooning version of Tainted Love but that's beside the point. The moral of the story? My mom is the coolest.

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